Day 28 – Power Up Your Super Suit – Julie Earl

Romans 13:14

“Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14). In my book No More No I talk about the fact that all believers are clothed in a Super Suit. The passages below are taken from various spots in chapter 12 pages 203 – 210:

Your Super Suit

From the moment you become a believer you are clothed in a Super Suit. This Super Suit not only gives you the ability to teach, prophesy, heal the sick, drive out demons and raise the dead, but it gives you the ability to love, forgive and walk in holiness.

What is this Super Suit made of? Well, the better question would be who is this Super Suit made of? “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:26-27).

Your Super Suit is made of Jesus!

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you” (John 14:20). Jesus is not only in you, but you are in Him. You are literally clothed with Jesus. That is why Paul goes on to say in Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” When the Father looks at you He doesn’t see your nationality, your social status or your gender. He sees Jesus.

You are in Christ Jesus—totally forgiven, totally loved and totally empowered!


The devil knows the power that resides in you and on you through Jesus, so his demons constantly spew lies to keep you from powering up. They tell you:

Power is no longer available to Christians.

God isn’t healing, doing miracles or speaking.

The Bible is all you need.

God wants you sick to teach you lessons.

You are unworthy.

You can’t hear God.

You have to earn God’s power.

God doesn’t care.

God is angry.

And on and on….

The devil’s goal is to distort your view of yourself and your view of God so that he can rob you of your identity and confidence. If he can keep you from knowing who you are and whose you are, he can keep you powerless….

Completely Forgiven

Realizing how God sees you in relation to sin is crucial to powering up your Super Suit. If you believe the devil’s lies that you’re a wretch barely saved by grace who has to constantly grovel before the Lord, then you’ll rarely feel worthy enough to get out of your delivery truck, let alone have faith to believe God wants to show His power through you.

God no longer sees your sin because you are forgiven and you are in Christ. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1)….

God doesn’t see you through your sin. He sees you through your spirit, and your spirit has been born again and can’t sin! You can have the same fellowship with the Father that Jesus has because you are completely undefiled in Jesus. This fact always makes me want to dance, laugh and swing around in the Father’s arms.

This truth frees us from the bondage of legalism. Legalism focuses on our sin and tells us to work harder to change. But God says we are forgiven, accepted and loved—and out of that love relationship, with our focus on Him, changes automatically begin to take place. It’s a process, but one that’s free from guilt and condemnation!

Completely Loved and Empowered

As a believer who is in God’s lap, it’s vital you understand that God sees you as holy and dearly loved because your perception affects your behavior. If you walk into a party where you feel everyone likes you and thinks you’re important, then you’ll probably act likable and confident. If you walk into a party where you feel everyone dislikes you or is uninterested in you, then you’ll probably act grumpy or hide in the corner.

Your actions reflect your thoughts. If you see yourself as a defeated Christian always struggling with sin, then you’ll behave like a defeated Christian always struggling with sin. But if you see yourself as God sees you—righteous, holy and loved—then you will behave like the righteous, holy and loved person you are….

When you know deep in your heart that you are the righteousness of God in Christ; that God sees you as He sees Jesus; and that you are completely loved beyond anything you can imagine, you will boldly come to the Father as that righteous and loved child.

As you grow in your understanding of your status, authority, privilege, position and power as an honored and beloved child of the King of Kings, your confidence in God’s love and your confidence in who you are will explode like fireworks in your spirit—and that explosion of faith is what powers up your Super Suit.

Julie Earl with Crazy About You Ministries (CAYM)

All Scripture taken from the New International Version 1984 edition.