Crazy About You Ministries

Experience God's love... Express God's Love

Experience God's love... Express God's love

11,429 People Born Again in 2023!


In March your prayers and donations allowed Julie and two other evangelists working together to lead over 2,803 people to the forgiveness and love of Jesus in Rongo, Kenya. Many were physically healed and set free from demonic oppression.


At the end of May and the first of June, accompanied by Shannon Fleming, over 2,342 people became born again in Kachibora and Kabichibichi!

We were able to buy 800 Swahili Bibles for $8,000.00 to give to the new believers. There is a HUGE hunger for the Word of God!


In August, accompanied by Emily Evans and another team from the U.S., we saw 3,518 receive Jesus in Rwanda and 2,766 in Uganda! Many were healed and set free! Praise God for His transforming love and forgiveness!



While recovering from surgery, Julie was able to train Trey and Jana Short to do their first crusade in Kenya in February, working with Pastor Elijah Wafula and the local pastors. They led over 1,800 people to Jesus, and funds were donated to buy Swahili Bibles. Trey and Jana fell in love with the amazing people in Kenya!



  • God gave Julie 4 prophetic words within just a few weeks of each other this spring about greater impact, influence and visibility. (Three of the words were by ministers speaking at conferences or churches and singling her out, and the fourth by a prophetic minister while she was training with other evangelists in Florida.) Those words confirmed what the Lord was telling her - to grow CAYM's (pronounced came's) base of partners in 2024 so that in 2025 we can begin to reach thousands more people with the Great News of Jesus! So please pray for Julie as she sets up meetings with people to share the exciting things God is up to!
  • Love Like Jesus Outreaches: Julie has been able to spend more time training people here in the U.S. to share Jesus as a lifestyle wherever they go! Come join the fun or invite Julie to train your church!
  • Miraculously, we continue to give monthly support to several humble but powerful ministries and pastors in Kenya and Uganda, and they are preaching the Gospel and leading many to Jesus!
  • INCREDIBLE BLESSING: God led Teri Tingdale to move with her family to Julie's town last fall, and then He led her to one of Julie's outreach trainings. Teri quickly felt called of the Lord to use her retirement to not only help her family, but to help CAYM! She is working with Julie to change the accounting and CRM software so that CAYM can grow! What a gift!
People born again on prostitution/drug street!


Top: Shannon and Julie giving out free Bibles, and the people were thrilled! Thank you!

In circle: Julie uses visuals to preach the Gospel. Here two amazing men of God in Kenya were acting out Jesus and the devil during her message.

Bishop Elijah Wafula, Julie's Kenya crusade coordinator and a mighty man of God, is giving directions to the new believers after Julie preached the Great News about Jesus in Kachibora!]

Emily and Julie playing with the children before the crusade in Rwanda, where thousands discovered the love and forgiveness of Jesus!

Bishop Elijah, Julie and the team preaching at the drug and prostitute street and several becoming born again!

"This ministry is both relevant and inspiring because we all need to reach our world with the love of Jesus!"

I got the book in the mail Friday and finished it Sunday. I couldn't put it down. It really spoke to my spirit and caused something to come alive in me. - Ron S.

YouTube Fun:

Join Julie Earl on YouTube as she grows her channel (as the Lord asked) so that more people can discover His love for them!

Here is the first video in her Healing Breakthrough Series: