Meet Us
Julie has shone the light of Christ for as long as I have known her! Her knowledge of Scripture, relationship with the Lord, and her genuine love for others draws others to her. They want to know the source of her peace and joy, and she is happy to lead them right to Him! – Jackie Shelton
Author - Speaker - Evangelist
Julie Earl is an ordinary woman with an incredible God living inside of her. In 2011 Julie told God that she would no longer say “no” to His promptings to express His words, gifts and love wherever she goes! She teaches lifestyle evangelism and how to begin conversations about Jesus by offering prayer, giving a word from the Lord, telling people what God is doing in your life, or sharing when God highlights them with His love. The key is to ask their spiritual background and then share the Great News!
Julie is the author of No More No and the No More No Study Guide, a book and Bible study that are radically changing lives as people learn to break free from fear and share the love and forgiveness of Jesus. She is a Bible teacher, tender preacher and missionary evangelist all in one. Julie does Be Jesus Conferences in the US and overseas to train in lifestyle evangelism, and she holds gospel crusades, mostly in Africa. Since beginning crusades in 2018, Julie and those who join her from the US and in the country have had the joy of leading over 14,000 people to Jesus, and have seen many people physically healed and freed from demonic oppression! (The Ugandan woman pictured above had her hearing restored!)
As a teenager, Julie migrated from Ohio to Texas via Papua New Guinea (an island north of Australia where she lived for 1 1/2 years as she finished high school). She and her husband, Ron, met at Christ for the Nations Bible School in Dallas, Texas and were married in 1987. They have 3 amazing grown children (whom she home schooled), and 8 grandchildren!
Julie Earl is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute (1987), Christian Writers Guild, CLASS (for speakers), Toastmasters International, and Christ for All Nations School of Evangelism (2018). She is a member of the Association of Related Ministries International (ARMI) started by Andrew Wommack. She is the President and CEO of Crazy About You Ministries, but Julie often laughingly says that her primary qualification is that she isn't qualified! God loves to use the weak things, so that He gets all the glory!
A Few Kind Words
"We were so impressed with Julie's teaching dealing with body, soul and spirit. Her teaching is cornerstone and rock solid...and so clear. Just the pure simplicity that is from Him."
~ George and Beverly Sisemore, Co-Pastors of Florence Vineyard Church, Oregon
"Julie Earl hears from God. She has such a completely humble, loving and peaceful spirit. She gives practical and spiritually sound advice on how to hear God's voice and know His heart."
~ Catherine Brock, Writer, Teacher and member of First Baptist McKinney
"Julie...the truest of worshipers...that one who the Father is searching for. She has no fear of man. She's a mighty warrior in the Spirit. 'Special Ops' Navy Seal for God. Laser-sharp focus, fine tuned, refined in the fire!"
~ M.B., Lover of Jesus, Texas
"I had the privilege of being part of Julie's writer's group, and she is an excellent writer and editor. Most importantly, she is a godly woman of prayer whom I can always count on to speak a word of encouragement and truth."
~ Brenna Stull, Author and International Speaker
"Julie's compassionate dedication to truth and grace truly reflects Christ's character. She has consistently modeled a servant's heart in her gentle but strong mentorship. Julie is truly in love with Jesus and people!"
~ Margi and Johanna Steele, adopted family, Colorado
Directors and Board Members

Leslie Anderson: Director
Leslie Anderson serves as a Director of the Board. She has a passion for those who don't know Jesus, and joins Julie on local outreaches to express God's heart! She is a special needs teacher and has a huge heart for children. Leslie enjoys hiking, staying active and spending time with her grown children and grandchild whenever possible.

Sage Johnson: Secretary
Sage Johnson serves as CAYM's board secretary, and is an amazing wife, real estate agent and founder of Garden Gate Ministries. Sage supports an orphanage in Uganda, and is passionate about sharing Jesus with her world. Sage joins Julie on local outreaches to express God's heart, and is a member of CAYM's Intercessory Prayer Team.

Ron Earl: Director
Ron and Julie met at Christ for the Nations Bible College and were married in 1987. Ron has continued to faithfully go to work every day no matter the challenges he faces. He made it possible for Julie to homeschool their three children as they were growing up, and now he makes it possible for Julie to share the Gospel in the US and overseas! Ron is her hero!
Ron loves dove hunting, reading and mountain biking. He is a man of prayer and the Word.
Ron is Julie's covering and brings great insight and wisdom to the ministry.

Burna Kennedy: CAYM Prayer Leader
Burna Kennedy serves as CAYM's Prayer Leader. She is a fabulous wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother who loves Jesus and people! She has years of insight and ideas to draw from, and she and her husband are a tremendous support to Julie in many ways! She is a woman of prayer and faith!

Pat O’Hara: Officer - Treasurer
Pat O’Hara serves as the Treasurer. He is a retired Certified Public Accountant and Financial Controller. He and his wife Judy have been involved in ministry in local churches in the U.S., and have worked and ministered overseas in Papua New Guinea and with Youth With A Mission on their Mercy Ship, the Anastasis. They have four children and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Pat's financial background is a tremendous asset for CAYM. He is a true servant and a man of integrity and honor in every respect. He enjoys gardening and taking trips with his beloved wife.

Julie Earl: President/CEO and Chairman of the Board
See Julie Earl's information above.