Responses to the Be Jesus Conferences and Events
“I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years, and this was some of the most refreshing and exciting teaching I’ve heard in a long time. The lunch was a little scary, but after I did it, I was blessed to see how my words really did bless others.” Lois Harker (Copy Editor and Mother)
“The Be Jesus Conference was one of the best training and activation conferences I have ever been to! It was inspiring and empowering in an atmosphere of love and God’s presence. It is such an equipping ministry!” Nicole Williamson (Author and President of King’s Lantern Int’l.)
“I was reminded that I do hear from God and He wants to speak through me. I should stay on point as His hands, voice and feet at all times.” Mike Cortines (Pastor and Minister)
“It was the best Friday and Saturday I have invested in the Kingdom in a very long time. I was deeply fed, thoroughly enjoyed what I learned, loved getting so many words from Jesus through His people, and made some wonderful new friends. Jesus was totally on the move and it was a wonderful, wonderful event!” Ronna Cross (President and Founder, Cross Country Advisors)
"The practicality of the teaching exposed the supernatural power we have when we relinquish fear and embrace our divine appointments with people around us." Shelley Marshall (8th Grade English Teacher)
"Be Jesus was like no other conference I've attended. The atmosphere was bathed in love and intentionality. I was instantly connected with a group with whom we could discuss, pray and ultimately support each other as we stepped out in faith." Karis Johnston (Former Nurse, Homeschool Mom and Farmer)
"Julie and Dane's love for the Lord really inspired me. Truly knowing how much the Lord loves us and how much we love Him back gives us a sense of peace and calmness about speaking to others and sharing His love with them. Before anything else, Julie and Dane always speak about God's love." Diana Dinh (University Student)
"I liked their humor and how humble and down-to-earth Julie and Dane are." April Macias (Stay-at-Home Mom)
"Your testimonies were such clear examples of how to be Jesus in everyday life situations. Your honesty about how you felt nervous but determined to be obedient was reassuring to those who were new to this adventure with the Lord...The handouts with conversations starters was excellent material." Melba Burk (Retired Special Education Teacher and Full time speaker at Brad & Melba Burk Ministries)
"The Be Jesus Conference really pushed me into the next level of sharing the love of Jesus!" David Coe (Project Manager)
"This conference was one of the most practical conferences I have attended." Tanna Bennett (Rancher and Mother)
"The Be Jesus Conference was a great way for me to learn practical steps to hearing God's voice more clearly!" Wendy Lam (University Student)
"God used this conference to bring back the joy of boldly sharing Jesus with others." Mary Harris
"Julie and Dane...I love your presentation, your love, your eagerness, your passion, and your enthusiasm! You have definitely made a difference in my life, and I am sure in others, with the love you have and the anointing you carry." Janie Uriegas
"I now understand how God has equipped me with His perfect love to overcome fear and pour His love into others!" Kiel Fogle (Pharmacist)