Day 21 – Election or Free Will? – Julie Earl

Romans 9

Romans 9 is one of those tough chapters where we have to interpret it in the light of the rest of the Bible, what we know of God’s character, and historical facts. I found a good article that explains it much better than I could. I would encourage you to read this article at least once, and preferably twice. Many people use this chapter to misrepresent God’s love and the part that our faith plays in salvation, so it’s important that we have a good grasp of what Paul is saying.

Click on the article below:

How Do You Respond to Romans 9 by Greg Boyd

Note: I have not studied other teachings on the above site, but I felt this particular article was well-written and biblically very sound.

Many blessings,

Julie Earl with Crazy About You Ministries (CAYM)