God Encourages Our Weed Control Guy ~ by Julie Earl

God Encourages Our Weed Control Guy Julie's story for websiteThere was a knock at the door. “I’m here to put fertilizer and pre-emergent on your yard,” said the young man at the door. He headed into our back yard, and I began praying for him.

Lord, what do you have for this young man? You love him so very much. Please give me something to share with him. I immediately had the thought that God was going to heal his relationship with his dad. I prayed for him and his dad and then went back to work in my study, but kept an eye out for when he finished. When I saw he had finished, I headed back outside. “Thank you for the application!” I said cheerily. “As I was asking God to bless you, I had the thought that God was going to heal your relationship with your dad, so I was praying for that.”

“Wow, that’s neat that you were praying for me. I don’t have the best relationship with my dad. I’m actually just coming back to God recently. I grew up in a home where we prayed and talked about God, but I drifted away from God. I’ve begun reading my Bible again and going to church.” We talked about what church he was going to, and how it was going with his Bible reading. “It is neat,” he said, “how when I am struggling, I can just turn to God and begin talking with Him and He gives me such peace and help. My life is so much better now.”

We talked for several more minutes, and I asked if I could pray for him. He happily agreed, so I laid my hand on his shoulder and we prayed there in my front yard. “Father, thank you for this man of God. Thank you for continued healing of his relationship with his dad. Protect him from the attacks of the enemy that will try to pull him away from a relationship with you. How you love hanging out with him! Bless everything that he does. Amen!”

He again thanked me for sharing with him. “I told someone recently ‘God bless you,’ and the guy told me I might offend someone if I say that.”

“Nah. Keep blessing on people! We all need it!”

“You’re right!” he laughed. “Thank you again!”


October 28, 2015 ~ Julie Earl

Julie Earl is the president and CEO of Crazy About You Ministries ~ CAYM (pronounced came). She is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute and the author of No More No: Say Yes to God and Let Him Speak, Work and Love Through You. Julie is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God living inside her. Julie lives in McKinney, Texas and is a Bible teacher, speaker and lover of Jesus!

Invite Julie to speak at your church, Bible study, retreat or conference at CrazyAboutYou.org.