Day 32 – Planning For Godly Transitions – Dane Earl

Romans 15:23-24

As a Christian, planning and transition can be hard because you want to honor God and do his will, and make the best decision for your life. Romans 15:23-24 says, “But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions, and since I have been longing for many years to see you, I plan to do so when I go to Spain. I hope to visit you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there….” In these verses, Paul gives a glimpse into what he used for planning, and making big decisions in his life. Here are three simple things to consider when  decisions need to be made.

#1: Has God Closed or Opened Doors?

The beginning of verse 23 Paul says, “But now that there is no more place for me to work in these regions….” Sometimes God closes or opens doors to stop us or redirect our path. God may use the lack of opportunity in one place to position our hearts to receive another opportunity in another. Or He may open a door we hadn’t even thought of to direct us away from something He doesn’t want for us. This is not to say that every closed door means “stop” and every open door means “go,” but pause long and hard and pray about those doors before you decide to leave them shut or proceed to push forward and walk through them. God will give guidance if you ask the Holy Spirit. In my own life I have seen God do amazing things that were a direct result of a door that God closed or a door that God opened. But, again, a closed door could be God’s way of saying hang in there until it opens, and an open door could be an empty elevator shaft – not God’s will for us.

#2: Is There a Desire in Your Heart? 

Many times God will place desires in your heart because He wants you to go after them. In the second part of verse 23, Paul  said he was going to go because “I have been longing for many years to see you.” God wants to partner with us as a loving Father – not order us around. He loves to give us the desires of our heart. Sometimes God places those desires in our heart because he wants us to follow them, so test them by listening to the Holy Spirit and by seeking wise council of other strong Christians.

#3 Do You Have A Community?

God places people in our lives for a reason. Paul said in Romans 15:24: “I hope to visit you while passing through and to have you assist me on my journey there.” When making plans and life transitions, it’s good to have people in your life for two reasons. Firstly, iron sharpens iron. God knows that when making big decisions it is good for us to have a few other people that love us and that love Jesus. This way if they feel any direction one way or the other for you, then they can tell you so that  you can take that into consideration and pray about it. Proverbs 15 :22 says that “plans fail for lack of counsel.” Secondly, people can help “assist you.” Often when making big transitions or large life changes, it is wise to have friends and family  that will be there by your side and speak into your life.

Always remember that God will easily direct your path if you focus on Him and follow his leading.
God Bless,
Dane Earl (CAYM)