Jesus Working at Party City ~ by Julie Earl

639239_10625_421_McKinney_TXI was in line to check out at Party City, and I asked the gentleman in front of me what he was doing with all the glass bowls in his cart. He explained that it was for his job, and that he fills them with candy to give to clients. We talked about his job, and then he asked me about mine. I told him that I had a ministry, and our mission is to help people experience God’s love and express God’s love. I told him about my book No More No, and what it was about.

I then asked, “What is your spiritual background?”

“I’m a Jew.”

“That’s neat. The only difference between us is that we believe the Messiah has come.”


“And He really has come!” I said with excitement. “When I asked Jesus to forgive me, and for God’s Spirit to live inside me, I was radically changed. Jesus has given me such peace, joy and strength. He’s given me wisdom in parenting and marriage, and helps me to forgive and love. I’m not perfect, but the more I fall in love with Jesus, the more I am changed by His love!”

As soon as I said that, the cashier called for the next in line, so the gentleman stepped forward. We said our good-byes, and I said, “God bless you!”

Praise God we had those few moments to talk about the Messiah there at Party City. God is passionately in love with this man, and I believe he will come to know Jesus’ love and forgiveness very soon!

November 3, 2015 ~ Julie Earl


cropped purpleJulie Earl is the president and CEO of Crazy About You Ministries ~ CAYM (pronounced came). She is a graduate of Christ for the Nations Institute and the author of No More No: Say Yes to God and Let Him Speak, Work and Love Through You. Julie is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God living inside her. Julie lives in McKinney, Texas and is a Bible teacher, speaker and lover of Jesus!

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