Day 9 – Steward Your Anointing ~ Galatians 2:9-10 (Dane Earl)

Day 9 ~ Galatians 2:9-10

James, Cephas[a] and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. 10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along. [Bold lettering mine]

Dane’s Nugget

Paul said that “they recognized the grace given to me.” Paul was anointed and given grace for his calling to preach the gospel. You and I have also been anointed for our tasks. It’s important to realize that striving for anointing and grace from God will not make it happen because they are gifts that we have all been given.

The key is to steward and grow the anointing and grace you have been given for your tasks. How exactly do we steward God’s anointing in our lives? Here are four practical tips. (All of these are things I am personally working on.)

-Make Spending Time with Jesus the Most Important and Best Part of Your Life

Focus on your relationship with God and how amazing it is to be in that relationship. God wants to be with you, which is an incredible truth! The way to steward the anointing on your life is to be filled with him.

-Don’t Compare Yourself with Others
When we compare ourselves to someone else, it invites jealousy and can lead to bitterness. If you find yourself becoming jealous, pray every day that God will bless and use the person you are jealous of, and your heart will grow to be their best cheerleader.

You also want to be careful not to try to replicate what other people do, because it isn’t genuine and it’s not what God called you to do. The Lord wants you to trust Him to know what is best for you, and to follow His leading for your life rather than trying to walk down a road meant for someone else.

-Be Faithful with What is in Front of You
Be faithful with whatever is in front of you. Treat everything as a training ground for your future. For example, if you are in a job that you don’t enjoy, dominate that job by doing it with all your might and to the best of your abilities. I’m not sure who said this, but “Sometimes the process is more important than the destination.”

-Serve Someone Else’s Vision
In business and ministry alike, sometimes you just need to serve someone else’s vision in order to steward and increase your own vision and anointing. Just make sure to guard your heart from serving in order to get something. Serve because God has called you to serve.

I hope these things help a little bit!

God bless,

Dane Earl