Unconscious Girl Revived Because “No More No!” ~ Tiffany Medrick

Tiffany MedrickAn administrative assistant at King’s Trail Cowboy Church, Tiffany Medrick, had heard several of Jason Norton, the pastor’s, stories since he had read No More No and began saying yes to God’s promptings. She then heard Julie speak at her church on August 30, 2015. That same evening, Tiffany and her husband were driving on the highway when they saw three little girls frantically waving down their car. They stopped and discovered the girls’ sister was having a seizure. The mother was frantic as the girl briefly stopped breathing while Tiffany was trying to reach 911. The mother tried to do chest compressions and the girl began breathing, but her breaths were short, and she was still unconscious and motionless.

After Tiffany reached 911, she heard the Lord say to pray for them. She hesitated, not knowing how they would respond, but the front cover of Julie’s book popped into her head, and she heard in her spirit, “No more no’s.” She quickly and loudly asked the mom, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?”

“Yes, I do,” she responded.

“Then let’s pray,” Tiffany boldly said. As she began to pray for peace and healing, Tiffany thought of a Facebook video she had just seen an hour earlier about a woman raising a person from the dead through the power of God. The verse came to mind and she prayed it out loud, “Greater is he who is in me, than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Tiffany prayed that God would heal the little girl, and that she would wake up. As soon as she said “amen” the little girl gurgled and her eyes fluttered. By the time the ambulance arrived, the little girl was sitting up and had her eyes opened. Tiffany thanked God for allowing her to be there, and for answering her prayer.

As Tiffany told Julie this story, she said: “I haven’t even opened your book yet, and something powerful has already happened. I can’t imagine what will happen after I start reading it. No matter how apprehensive we are, it’s time for all of us to begin listening for God’s voice and to declare NO MORE NO!”

[by Tiffany Medrick and Julie Earl – September 3, 2015]